Episode 45: When Emotions Run High with Carrie S.

EPISODE 45 THE PARENTING MENTOR: When Emotions Run High with Carrie S.
Carrie has twin 10-year-old twins, Matthias and Ruby. Matthias has ADHD and has trouble controlling his emotions when he’s home. Ruby, who has always been the “good girl”, has been acting out lately in imitation of her brother, most likely out of a want for attention. In this episode, we talk about how to give each child the attention they deserve, as well as ways to defuse and minimize emotional outbursts while validating all feelings--even the ones that don’t feel so good.
Today, we talk about how to handle both children’s behavior. We discuss what’s behind Matthias’s outbursts, noting that they’re actually a sign that he feels safe at home. I note that his need to let his emotions out at the end of the day is not unusual, and I explain why validating the work he does to keep it together at school is so important and effective. I note the power of a big hug, and I explain why Carrie needs to let Ruby know that it’s okay for her to have emotional outbursts sometimes too. I also note the power of small chunks of quality time.
“We all have a baby self and an adult self--even as adults.”
- Sue Groner
This week on The Parenting Mentor:
The importance of validation
The power of a hug
Why it’s okay to lose it sometimes, even if you don’t have ADHD
The importance of quality time
Meet the Parenting Mentor
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