Episode 37: When You Need More Collaboration with Danila D.

Danila D.
EPISODE 37 THE PARENTING MENTOR: When You Need More Collaboration with Danila D.

Danila has four kids, ages 6, 4, 2.5, and 4 months. They’re navigating the pandemic fairly well, but given the special circumstances, she wants her family to do even better. She is looking for tips to teach her kids collaboration, instruction following, and constructive listening. She emphasizes the importance of instilling the idea that they’re all part of a community and need to do their part.

Today, I talk with Danila about the areas in which she can accomplish these goals and the areas in which she needs to lower her expectations. I explain how to tell the difference, and I note that it’s okay to need your own space sometimes. I note the power of a timer, and we talk about ways for her to reduce the stress and pressure that every parent feels. I also make a distinction between fighting certain behavior and managing it.

“They’re not gonna do things exactly right at the beginning--and it doesn’t matter, because they’re learning how to do it.”
- Sue Groner 

Meet the Parenting Mentor

If you want to reduce the everyday stress and anxiety that inevitably come with parenting and learn to be a happier and more relaxed parent, then this is the place for you.

Here, you can listen in on real sessions with parents who open up about the specific challenges they face with children from 2 to 22. Listen along and gain perspectives and strategies to help you parent with sanity and joy.

Don’t forget to pick up my book, Parenting with Sanity and Joy: 101 Simple Strategies, which includes my Nine Golden Rules of Parenting.

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