Episode 50: When Getting Ready For School In the Morning Creates Daily Chaos with BJ

EPISODE 50 THE PARENTING MENTOR: When Getting Ready For School In the Morning Creates Daily Chaos with BJ
BJ is a father to two little boys, one is 4 years old and the other is 6 years old. Every morning, BJ brings his eldest son to school and the experience hardly ever goes smoothly. He struggles with getting his son out of bed to go through the morning steps in an expedited manner. He urges his son to brush his teeth, change his clothes, eat his breakfast and put on his shoes as fast as possible. He often feels like the only answer is turning to bribes to motivate his son. After getting late notices from the school itself, BJ is turning to the Podcast with this question of how else to incentivize your kid to get ready for school?
Today we talk about how to motivate and incentivize your kids without playing the “I’ll give you this or I’ll take this away that” game. We talk about the power of teaching your kids the life skill of problem solving. We talk about breaking down our asks for our kids so they don’t get overwhelmed with the commands being thrown at them. We talk about making our kids feel like we are on their team in the morning and how creating a little game involving a timer can make a big difference!
“The overarching message here is that you can’t engineer your children. You can help them to be self-sufficient, you can help them to learn to problem solve. You can’t engineer them.”
- Sue Groner
This week on The Parenting Mentor:
- Tangible tips and tools for teaching kids to be self-sufficient over time.
- Tips for empowering games and tools to teach your kids to get ready in the morning.
- Why you can’t engineer your children but how you can teach them problem solving.
- Tips for getting on your kid’s team and why this creates respect and stronger communication
Meet the Parenting Mentor
If you want to reduce the everyday stress and anxiety that inevitably come with parenting and learn to be a happier and more relaxed parent, then this is the place for you.
Here, you can listen in on real sessions with parents who open up about the specific challenges they face with children from 2 to 22. Listen along and gain perspectives and strategies to help you parent with sanity and joy.
Don’t forget to pick up my book, Parenting with Sanity and Joy: 101 Simple Strategies, which includes my Nine Golden Rules of Parenting.
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