Episode 76: When one child feels pushed around by their sibling with Hillary H

When one child feels pushed around by their sibling with Hillary H

Hillary is a mom of two daughters and her youngest is starting to complain about her sister's bossyness. As the older child she tends to jump in at every turn to take over. She’s there to let her know how to do everything and tends to reinforce what mom said. Hillary would love to learn how to help her younger child have more opportunities to lead and help her first born back off a bit. Listen along for some strategies for teaching your children respectful communication with each other and to avoid feeling pushed around.

“I also think that having a conversation with Louisa about having her not agree to everything is important. So rather than you being the one to step in and telling Frankie to stop doing everything she’s doing, that it's okay to help Louisa learn how to do it herself.” - Sue Groner

This week on The Parenting Mentor:
  • Empowering communication tools and language to offer your child to give them a sense of personal power and voice.
  • Tools to foster your child’s opinions and voice.
  • Tangible tools to help your child practice and learn new behaviors such as not interrupting others.

  • Creating opportunities for your child to take the lead.

Meet the Parenting Mentor

If you want to reduce the everyday stress and anxiety that inevitably come with parenting and learn to be a happier and more relaxed parent, then this is the place for you.

Here, you can listen in on real sessions with parents who open up about the specific challenges they face with children from 2 to 22. Listen along and gain perspectives and strategies to help you parent with sanity and joy.

Don’t forget to pick up my book, Parenting with Sanity and Joy: 101 Simple Strategies, which includes my Nine Golden Rules of Parenting.

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