Episode 41: When the Time for a Smartphone is Looming with Corrie B.

EPISODE 41 THE PARENTING MENTOR: When the Time for a Smartphone is Looming with Corrie B.
Corrie is anxious and stressed about the looming introduction of a smartphone into her 9-year-old son’s life. It may be a year or two off, but she’s hearing worrying stories from friends with slightly older kids. She’s looking for steps she can take now to promote a healthy and positive transition when the time comes.
Today, we talk about striking the balance between not wanting your kid to be the odd one out and minimizing the problems that come with smartphones. We talk about the positive aspects of smartphones and I share the number one thing she can do now: model healthy smartphone use. I note the importance of hearing your child’s input and I offer tips on how to have a constructive conversation about smartphone usage.
“The less you’re on your phones texting and checking emails and doing whatever in front of your kids, the better.”
- Sue Groner
This week on The Parenting Mentor:
- The plusses and minuses of smartphones
- Modeling healthy smartphone usage
- The power of a constructive conversation
Meet the Parenting Mentor
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