Episode 22: When Everything Has to Be an Argument with Stephanie U.

EPISODE 22 THE PARENTING MENTOR: When Everything Has to Be an Argument with Stephanie U.
Stephanie has three kids--13 months, 2.5 years, and 5 years old--and they’re in a constant battle of sibling rivalry. Stephanie, who is constantly hearing their fighting and yelling, is fed up with everything turning into an argument, and she’s looking for strategies to instill more peace in the house.
Today, we talk about what sibling rivalry really is and discuss what Stephanie can and can’t do to help the situation. We talk about the value of alone time and using a kitchen timer. We talk about why it’s okay for the older two siblings to be annoyed by their baby sister, and I note that the limits for what the children can be allowed to work out on their own are farther than you’d think. I talk about the value of trial-and-error, and I introduce the idea of an Untouchable Box. Finally, I note that these strategies should be discussed when everyone’s calm instead of in the moment.
“ Sibling rivalry is all about kids wanting to see who the parent loves most. ”
- Sue Groner
This week on The Parenting Mentor:
- What’s behind sibling rivalry
- The value of alone time and why it’s okay to need it
- The importance of letting your kids work it out
- The value of brainstorming and trial-and-error
- Why it’s helpful to let your kids know what the plan is
- The Untouchable Box and its uses
Meet the Parenting Mentor
If you want to reduce the everyday stress and anxiety that inevitably come with parenting and learn to be a happier and more relaxed parent, then this is the place for you.
Here, you can listen in on real sessions with parents who open up about the specific challenges they face with children from 2 to 22. Listen along and gain perspectives and strategies to help you parent with sanity and joy.
Don’t forget to pick up my book, Parenting with Sanity and Joy: 101 Simple Strategies, which includes my Nine Golden Rules of Parenting.
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